Tea got tagged, so really I got tagged. I'm supposed to name 10 things you hopefully don't know about her. So we shall see if you know these.
1- Tea's the perfect mix of tomboy and girly girl. She loves her dresses, bows, earrings, necklaces, high heel shoes and dancing, but her other favorite things in life are cars, airplanes, "helpadoctors" (helicopters), Elmo, dirt, being naked, tennis, and spongebob. Of course those things are non-gender specific, but they aren't very girly girl.
2. When Tea gets a spanking (which isn't often but we have done it lately) she yells "THAT'S MY BOOTY" And she's right, but I still spank it :)
3. Tea has Green Eggs and Ham and her favorite Hop on Pop completely memorized.
4. Tea is probably the only person who truly knows how to drive me crazy.
5. Tea gives the BEST hugs and kisses. She loves to grab our cheeks and kiss our lips. Also, when she hugs you she pats your back like an adult would do.
6. She often leans over or hugs at random moments and says Thanks Mom, I love you. How sweet is that?!
7. When I do things for Tea she will say thanks babe, because that's what she's heard Greg say. Sometimes when she calls out for me it's babe. Which is really sweet but I feel bad because she calls Greg by his first name and not daddy or babe because I just say Greg. You should hear her at a store when we get separated, it's hilarious because she screams "GREG, where are you?"
8. I think Tea is the perfect candidate to be an only child. She is content playing by herself, she makes friends easily and she loves the attention.
9. Tea thrives on being a helper. But not in the traditional sense. She won't clean her room or playroom if her life depends on it, but she loves to help with laundry and dishes and yard work.
10. One of my favorite times of day is when Tea wakes up and comes down the stairs, the first thing she usually says is "good morning" in the sweetest voice and singing it almost. (no matter the time of day". Next to the thanks babe, thanks mom, I love you, this is my favorite thing she says.
Oh and one more since we're on the subject, if she's sees one of her favorite shows on tv she runs over and runs in place shaking her arms and screaming the name of the show, it's hilarious.
We tag Maggie, Eli, Jonas, Makai, and Ryley. Feel free to do your other kids so they don't feel left out :)
Is this my Maggie?
She sounds sooo cute! I love their little personalities, especially when they start talking. So funny!
Yep, Kerri, that's your Maggie.
She sounds like she is packed with personality, what a cutie. It's been a little while since I've checked in on your blog, I'm glad I checked it today! I'll try to follow up with the tag soon!
Could she be any cuter??? I don't think it's possible. I love that when she gets spanked she says that's my booty. How funny!! Ooh it makes me miss her even more:)
She's just so cute. I miss her so much and I seriously need a little girl like her in my life. Her little personality sounds like such a kick to be around.
I'll go ahead and do a tag for Isaac. Eli seems to get all the attention in my blog posts. Probably because he's such a little twerp.
She is soo funny. We need to see her again so please come visit us and we'll hang out in Savannah.
okay you're not kidding... she and Ryley really are like twins in personality!! Seriously, they had to have been friends in heaven!
Tea sounds so cute!!
Oh, that is so precious!! She just sounds adorable! You & Greg obviously have so much fun with her!
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