Here are some pictures from our trip to Bawston. Some are duplicates but I did different effects to them and wanted to show them off :) We went on a trolley for the tour pawt and a boat trip of the hawba pawt.
Both Greg and I didn't have a huge desire to go but we are so glad we did. We really loved Boston. It's so friendly, inviting, touristy and fun. We had a lot of fun and are glad we got a chance to see it.
These are both from the temple. Isn't that a cool flower? They are even cooler because they hang down from a tree like a bell.
This is downtown Boston. There are so many cool buildings with so many different architectural styles.This is where Paul Revere's journey began.
Quincy Market is this awesome indoor/outdoor market with food and goods.
Isn't it awesome how they merged old and new.
An awesome pic of the harbor. It looks so dreamy. What a pretty city scape.
This is Tea taking in all the people in the market. There were thousands there. We happened to go on the same day that 125,000 students moved into the city. Oh my!
Here we are waiting for the boat. While in the line we got to experience listening to the conversation a Japanese girl and German girl had in broken English. It was quite entertaining listening to the German girl repeat Berlin over and over again until the Japanese girl understood what she was saying. And we also witnessed a severely drunk women fall out of her chair, bonk her head and then lay there for a minute before she stood up, finished her drink and a cigarette. Ahh, good times.
This is how much Tea enjoyed the boat ride. Yeah, we went home right after that.
This bridge is part of the amazing, successful big dig. Did you catch my sarcasm in did I. I know, I know it's only $70 billion over budget so I shouldn't declare it a disaster.
I love all the pictures. Boston looks so fun. Mike's sister and family lived there for awhile and they always talk about how much they loved it. Looks like a great little trip!
Wow - what a fun city! I've never been, but it looks like a great place to visit. Your Boston accent made me laugh. The pictures you guys took are amazing! You're so talented! :)
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