Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hill Cumorah

A few weeks ago we went over to Palmyra to see the Hill Cumorah Pagent. After being in New York for over a year, it was very odd to be surrounded by members again. It was like being in downtown Salt Lake during conference in that there were people from all over. There was quite a few from Utah and Idaho but we met people from all over Canada and the Eastern Seaboard as well. It was definitely worth the small fortune in gas to get there.


Amanda said...

Man, I would love to see that pageant! It looks neat from your pics. Maybe someday...

mead family said...

I want to go to that! Tea looks so cute in that picture:)

Amber said...

I've always wanted to go to that pageant. It looked like a ton of fun. I love the duct tape too, very funny. By the way, I want to talk about digital scrapbooking with you.

the watkins said...

I would love to go to the pageant. I have been there but it wasn't when it was going on. That would be my favorite part of living where you do... getting to go to other cool East Coast Places. I am trying to talk Mike into moving. I think it would help ease some family tensions? But it probably won't happen.

PS I did talk to Sara, she is alive and seems to be okay.

Ashby said...

How cool! In the 20+ years I've lived in the east, I've never once been to the HIll Cumorah Pagent. I really need to go some time!

Emily said...

That would be an interesting thing to go to!

And I love the duct tape around Tea's diaper. Makai is semi potty-trained but loves to be nekkid and has pretty much made a waste of the $100+ I spent on carpet cleaning recently.