Tuesday, August 12, 2008

kind of scared

I've been a little MIA from here and other places because I've been busy learning how to make my own digital scrapbook kits. I have been wanting to learn how to do it for a while now and finally sat down and researched it. I've made about 5 kits, 3 are fully done. I am hoping to sell them once I find a free website to do it on (I'm cheap). But for now, and here's the scary part, I will post them on here and if anyone wants them let me know (I was thinking of asking for $3.95 each but that may be way too high for my inexperience so let me know what you want to pay or if you don't think they are good enough to pay for :). It's scary because you put so much work into something and you hope other people like it. If you hate, please don't tell me :) (j/k, I can take it) I'm really excited to learn more and get better.


ahollandetc said...

j...these are AMAZING!!!! WOW!!! great job! you are so talented! my favorite one is 'the fun never ends'...it is just so cute! how did you even start to learn how to do this!?! again, amazing job!

sharon said...

Wow, Jessica!!! These kits are GREAT! I am so impressed that you taught yourself how to design like this. You're a natural. *Ü* I think that my favorite is the valentine kit - the texture on the hearts is perfect. Oh, yeah - I'd love to play with these if you're willing to share.

Patti Price said...

jess, are you kidding me, don't me scared they are so cute! I would love them if you don't mind!

Jessica said...

THANKS so much you guys. That's very sweet of you. I added in the post that I was thinking of charging for them, just because they took forever, but since I hadn't written that when you read it, I will give it to you for free. Just let me know what you want.

mead family said...

Those are way cute. I don't think $3.95 is too much. I definitely don't think you should give them away for free though. Once I get freakin' started on digital scrapbooking I will come to you:) Good job!

the watkins said...

So cute, I really need to get on the digi-scrapbooking wagon. Or some sort of scrapbooking wagon... maybe having the kid will motivate me.

Kerri said...

I'd pay for them...but what do I do with them once I bought them??????????? I'm slightly challenged in that area!

ahollandetc said...

if you are feeling generous enough to give away freebies, i would love to be lucky enough to get all three! they are so cute...you are just amazing!

April said...

you are amazing! I ordered photoshop last week and it should be coming soon and then I will be on the ban wagon for digi scrapbooking! And then I can get you kits... oh but I think I will need your help because I don't know what I am doing :)

Phelps Family said...

Great job Jess! I love the pink and brown one! Keep making them and if I ever get to really scrapbooking I will be coming to you!

melmommy said...

I absolutely LOVE them. You really have the skills. I've been wanting to start learning how to do kits also. You could have your designs on an already known DS site and I bet they would get a ton of exposure and then when you get really well known, which won't take long, break off on your own. That's what Heather Ann did. They are so cute really, I love the color coordination you did on all of them. I know a lot of people though that just start a blog and sell them from their blog. Keep going, I want to see some more.


Lorrie and Mike Eckerdt said...

Wow Jess, you are so talented (and I gave you life)! I think they are very cute and $3.95 doesn't seem too much to me. We need to get a link on all our blogs (however I don't think ours draws too much attention). I think we really need to learn how to market all this stuff better....when you make a million maybe we can hire someone with tons of marketing experience. HA! Send me an e-mail with your correct e-mail address okay? Then I can copy and paste it and get rid of the others!

Andrea said...

Jess they look great! You could charge way more than $3.95!

The Gould Family said...

Jess, they're definitely good enough to pay for! Don't sell yourself short!! Good work!!

Emily said...

I am absolutely clueless about digital scrapbooking, but I think they look great! You're so talented, you definitely have a knack for it.

4Girls4Me said...

They are all super cute! You really are talented! My three big girls are off to school next week - I'm sad - but maybe I can find some time to scrapbook?? I'd love to get into digi scrapbooking - if I can find time to do that, I'd love to buy some of your designs!