Friday, September 26, 2008

For the family in Utah and abroad


mead family said...

Oh my gosh, she is so stinkin' cute. I could just squeeze her. She says New York so good. Chloe still calls it Newerk. I love that she was still smiling for sad and crying, and she has a great growl! I love her laugh and her cute little voice. OOH I miss her like crazy! By the way Chloe has watched this video like 5 times already.

Megan said...

I am not family but that has got to be the cutest thing! I love her emotions how she tries to change them but she has the same little smile the whole time! SO CUTE!

Bowers said...

Tea needs to live in Utah. Can I teach her that? Ha1. So cute! She's so smart. Where'd she get it?

Amber said...

This was so fun to watch. Jonas loved watching it too. Tea is so adorable and we miss being able to see her.

4Girls4Me said...

Oh, she is just the cutest little thing! :)