Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mutilation, it's the new black.


Am I the only one who finds this disturbing? I think I'm mostly disturbed that 116 people have purchased it. Who wears this stuff? If you do, please explain to me why! Is there something in the fashion industry that I'm missing? If so, I think I'm better for not jumping on this bandwagon. Mutilation, it's the new black.

Oh and p.s. check out the price tag on these puppies!!! (ooh, that's a good business idea for this jeweler, puppy parts!!


Ashby said...

Good night! I'm more disturbed by the price tag! If I wanted a mutilated Barbie doll as jewelry I'd go cut one up myself, not pay $190 for it.

mead family said...

WHAT THE CRAP??? That is the...wait I don't even have words for that. Who in their right mind would buy those? Obviously 116 people did. Besides the fact that they are the ugliest, weirdest things I have ever seen, who would pay that much for them? Who would wear the heart boobs with diamond nipples around their neck? DISGUSTING!

Jessica said...

Amen, Amen, I'm with you Ashby, I'll cut it up myself and decorate homemade jewelry with it. I wouldn't pay that much for a normal necklace (unelss it's diamonds of course) let alone one with mulilated body parts. Poor Barbie.

Jessica said...

Anna, I felt the same way about the hearbt boobs, I think it would be a funny gag gift (all of these would) but not for that price tag.

Megan said...

WOW! That is, that is, um...yeah! THAT IS! It never ceases to amaze me what people will buy...in the name of ...art? Did you see the comments too? People seem to love this, and I Quote, "incredible jewelry!" (more than one person said that)...and "so beautifully wrapped"
Oh silly me, I didn't realize it was wrapped beautifully, and well made...perhaps I will purchase one and cause my 3 year old to have years of therapy for "mommy cutting up Barbie and wearing it around" Maybe she can wear it too...we can all be our own little "Buffalo Bill" family of the Barbie world!

the watkins said...

I would have to agree the price tag is what gets me. I would like to meet the people who think its worth paying that price!
On second thought, it is pretty morbid as well. Hey, are you guys coming home for Christmas? WE miss you... I am pretty sure Tea is so grown up, its been forever since I have seen her!

Jessica said...

Mindi, I WISH we were coming home for Christmas but we can't afford it. Plane ticket prices are WAY to pricey for us. I really would love to see you and baby Watkins. Maybe next summer when have more time off work and a little money saved up since we will both be working. I miss you guys a ton.

Spencer and Kealia said...

So I guess we missed each other this Sunday! I was looking forward to meeting you at church!
Next time! I have a pair of these and they go great with a sombrero and a noose! (just kidding)

Emily said...

Ew. Weird.

Your new blog is cool though! And that's cool of you to advertise for others--I just might have something, I have to get some things together first.