8 things....
8 things I am passionate about...
1. family
2. reading
3. travel
4. photoshop
5. digital scrapbooking
6. my Church
7. decorating
8. bug removal
8 words or phrases I use often...
1. son-of-a
2. NO
3. I love you
4. for sure
5. good morning/afternoon Balzer & Leary
6. enough!!!
7. go to bed Tea
8. pumpkin pie (I must add, since my sister made fun of me, that while I do love me some pumpkin pie -- yay for Thanksgiving -- it is my nickname for Tea, I don't know why or when it started but I call her my pumpkin pie. And she calls me it sometimes)
8 things I have learned from my past...
1. Don't loan anything out
2. Don't lie to your parents, somehow they always find out!
3. Say what's on your mind
4. Don't let people walk all over you, stand up for yourself
5. Don't buy things just to buy things
6. Get out your frustrations right when it happens, don't hold it in
7. Your family will always be there for you.
8. let everything bad that happened go sooner rather than later
8 places I would love to go see or visit...
1. Europe
2. Australia
3. North Carolina
4. Georgia
5. Martha's Vineyard
6. Disney Cruise
7. Prince Edward Island
8. Key West
8 things I currently need or want...
1. Money
2. Money
3. Money
4. Greg to be done with school
5. a vacation
6. a master's degree
7. a new mattress
8. it to be summer again
8 people I tag...
1. Charissa
2. Amber
3. Amanda
4. Emily M.
5. Ashby
6. Melanie
7. April
8. Heidi
You say pumpkin pie that often huh? That's funny.
Ha, smarty pants, I call Tea my little pumpkin pie.
"Get out your frustrations right when it happens, don't hold it in"
I am so trying to learn that! Good list!
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