Monday, October 20, 2008

What in the world!!!!

Not much surprises me these days and this really shouldn't have surprised me having done a thesis on voting in the US. And, really, it doesn't surprise me as much as it infuriates me. This is the voting public, maybe not the majority, but way more than I care to think about it. Hopefully the statistics hold true this year and many Americans who are this politically ignorate will stay home on election day. We can only pray.


Melanie said...

Oh. My. Gosh.

And might I add, you posting this has just reaffirmed why I'm so happy you're my sister in law.

mead family said...

It's sad that people would only vote for him because he's black. C'mon people get with it. Learn the facts! Talk about racist!

estinger said...

seriously people...THINK! I literally can't listen to that and not get pissed off!

melmommy said...

I'm extremely worried! That is just NUTS! What can we do???????


melmommy said...

Ryan thinks that there should be some quiz of like 10 or more questions that test your knowledge of the candidates and the issues before you can vote. If you get them all wrong you politely get escorted out and your registration card is taken away until you get informed or further educated in politics.

4Girls4Me said...

That's just scary. I'm hoping that another critical fact they get wrong is the date of the election...

Amber said...

Yes hopefully these people are also uninformed enough to know when and how to vote.

Shauna said...

Bowers said...

WOW!!!! I can't believe how stupid people can be. Do they not watch any news??? WOW!

Kathy said...

I know, isnt this crazy! I couldn't believe it when I heard it. People really should have to pass some kind of test before they are allowed to vote. =)