Friday, October 31, 2008

our angel

As you can see, Tea was an angel for Halloween. And her Dad was the devil. The face she is making in the picture with him is after 2 hours of trying to avoid him. She was freaked out by him, but so was I so I can't blame her. I think this is the first and last year he will dress up....well at least in something so scary. We did get a load of compliments and Greg was given candy several times for being such a sport and dressing up with his daughter.

Some of these are from her very first night of trick-or-treating which thankfully turned out to be a warmer night (in the 50's instead of the 30's that we've been having).

The other ones with pumpkins were taken at the Keene, NH pumpkin festival. It was another beautiful day this year, rather warm, just how we like it.

I hated Halloween until I had a kid. It's so much fun to see her excitement. She got hooked up too. Full size candy bars....thank you trick-or-treating!


the watkins said...

What a cute angel, and scary Devil.
I have heard that having a kid makes the holidays so much more exciting. I am sure Mike is excited for the year that Kaden can go trick or treating.

4Girls4Me said...

A little angel! I love it! She's just adorable. Greg is such a good sport, although I have to agree with Tea - he is kinda scary! :) Happy Halloween!

mead family said...

Oh Tea looks so cute. I would be scared of Greg too! His costume is awesome though! I love how you did the first pictures of Tea, so cute. Full size candy bars?? We live in the wrong state!

April said...

greg does look scary! Tea looks so cute :)

Bowers said...

Greg you've never looked more like yourself! Ha! Your angle is so cute. She's so grown up. Love you guys.