Friday, November 21, 2008

Religious tolorance from the Daily Kos

So I'm trying to think of the last time an extreme political organization targeted one specific religion that the majority of society was either against or apathetic towards to hurl vitriolic accusations against in order to blame them for a wide array of societal ills. Does anything come to mind? How dare a politically incorrect church with socially odd beliefs get uppity enough to feel that they could exercise their constitutional rights to fight for their beliefs whether that be through free speech, financial donations, or voting. I mean prop 8 was obviously all the Mormons fault even though this is the second time California has passed this measure. But don't worry, judges know more than the average peon and know what's best for us. So when California decides by popular vote to define marriage between a man and a women in the constitution, they will interpret that to mean the exact opposite, just like with the Second Amendment. Gotta love the liberal idea of interpretation (maybe its a Latin word for "it means whatever I want").



Megan said...

Greg well put.

Melanie said...

Love this post, Greg. Perfectly said.

Amber said...

I agree w/ the other two comments. Well said.