Sunday, December 07, 2008


Do you ever just feel beaten down by life!?! Like life took one look at you, laughed at you, called you names and proceeded to kick you?!!! Not just one person or one thing, but everything in general. I kind of feel like that right now. I feel like sleeping for two months straight sounds pretty sweet right now. I need something to rejuvenate me, to wake me up!

What's causing it, I have a few things I know of for sure -- too boring and petty to express-- perhaps it's because my life is so hectic, yet structured (how can that be!). I just keep counting down the days until the economy picks up, until Greg is done with school so we don't have to spend 5 out of the 7 nights a week apart because he has to work overnight, or 6 out of the seven days in different rooms because Tea and I are in one and he's sleeping in the other because he's tired from work and school and staying up 48 hours straight twice a week. I keep counting down the days until spring is finally here even though winter pretty much just started. I keep counting down the days until May when my sister is hopefully coming to see me. I keep counting down the days until I get to go on a week long vacation.

Maybe if I stopped counting, life would start keeping up with me and yet slow down when I need it to.

So, in an effort to realize that my worries are minimial to other or that I'm not the only with worries, what are you stressed about right now? What are you doing to help overcome life?

One thing that keeps me happy for sure and keeps me going is this adorable little girl. Without her, life would be boring.


Amanda said...

Being stressed and looking for that light at the end of the tunnel is so hard. At the same time, though, at least there is something to work toward in the mean time.

My current stresses are moving and Ryan's thesis. They don't sound like much, but they have been weighing on my mind a lot recently. I think about the future and can't wait until we're done moving, but then will come the stresses of getting to know a new place...making new friends. And, I'm very baby hungry--so getting rid of that desire will probably add new stress on top of everything else.

I have found 2 things that help me deal with my stress. 1) Exercise. On the days I don't exercise, I feel HORRIBLE and much more overwhelmed than on the days that I get out and do something. 2) Reading my scriptures/conference talks. Just recently, I read President Monson's talk "Joy in the Journey." I didn't remember hearing this talk at all during conference, so it was wonderful to read the counsel. I have been praying that the Lord will teach me on a daily basis how to find joy in my journey. I'm amazed by how much is has helped me!

4Girls4Me said...

I love your Christmasy blog! So cute!! You are so talented. The pictures of Tea are priceless. You've gotta love that naked baby bootie! :)
I'm sorry that you are feeling so overwhelmed. I think it happens to all of us sometimes! Sorry I don't have any great advice, but it really helps me sometimes to find a way to make everyday things a little more fun - something simple like watching a new movie during dinner & letting the kids eat in the family room... I'm sure Tea brings you & Greg both so much joy and I bet she's so fun to be around this time of year especially. Just hang in there and I bet you'll be feeling your nomral self again soon. Thanks for sharing your creativity online - I love looking at your blog and always feel so inspired by everything you do!

the watkins said...

I love you! And I love that Tea loves to be naked!

I am going back to work next week and am wondering how it will work when I already feel exhausted from being up in the night... let alone actually waking up, getting ready and going to work all day! I am really trying to enjoy "today" and not just live for the day when we are a more financially stable family. Greg is awesome for working so hard, even though I am sure it is hard not being together more. And are you even awesomer for working hard and being such a great mom!

Laura said...

My issues aren't really big deals, but they sometimes feel like it. I'm feelin' ya sista!

mead family said...

Well first of all I want to thank you for my cute Christmas blog. I love it! Yours is cute too. Second, I got the bows yesterday and they turned out way cute. Third I AM coming in May, no more saying hopefully:) Now on to the post, I have a lot of stress. I am one big stressor! I stress about everything. I never really used to until I had kids. My stress is probably little to others, but to me it's huge because it's what is happening in my life. So I don't think your stress is minimal, it's big for you and your life. (Does that make sense?) I stress because I want Geran done with school, I stress because Chloe isn't sleeping in her bed, I stress because Halle still isn't sleeping through the night, and my biggest stresses are money and where we are going to live in the future when the lease is up. There are so many things I stress about and a lot of them have to do with the future. I know I have a problem with focusing on the future instead of just living in the "now". Maybe if I do that I will feel better. I'm sorry that you are so stressed, I hope it gets better for you. By the way is that week long vacation you are taking going to be when I come??? I wish May was here I know we will have so much fun and we can be stress-free for a week or however long I am there! I love you.

Amber said...

Hey girl,
I am also stressing right now. Every morning for a little while now I get up and think ok how am I going to make it through this day? I am literally just hanging in there with an enormous belly and now other discomforts. I want this baby to come now but it's out of my control. At least that is temporary even though right now one day can seem like a week long. Also, I stress about my work situation, having to get a job and find baby sitters for my kids. I'm glad you guys have a good babysitting situation for Tea.
That is really hard that you and Greg aren't able to be together as much right now. I didn't know he was having to work so much.
It is true though that we can't always just be waiting to be happy in the future when things will be better because there are always issues. It helps me to keep my mind in a positive place when I think OFTEN of the many ways in which I am blessed.