Thursday, February 05, 2009

Contain your excitement

If my gorgeous stuff didn't bring you to Etsy (he he) then maybe Rosie O'donnell is more up your alley. That's right folks, Rosie the little shedevil that she is has opened a shop and you too can own a part of Rosie. Her products are freaky and the price is high, but hey it's Rosie!!!


Megan said...

What are they? ,':\ (that is my puzzled look)

the watkins said...

Are they all really sold? Weirdos! She ruins everything.

Melanie said...

Did she just wake up one day and say, "Ya know, since I'm Rosie O'Donnell (and I think I'm AWESOME!) I should try my hand at making worthless whatchamacallits and selling them. 'Cause, ya know, anyone will buy whatever garbage I spew forth from my life because I'm Rosie."
So, those just freaked me out. I could say more about it but I gotta go. My kids are out of control.

mead family said...

I am with the others...I am totally confused as to what they are. She is such a freak!! Thank you for changing my background I love it:) Your's is super cute too!

Seth said...

I'm not sure who Mr. O'Donnell is but I'm sure if he would like to sell piece of crap dolls that most fifth graders could make, then we should respect his freedom to do so. That man has worked hard to create junk that you can waste your hard earned money on. That's my two cents.