Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It's Oh-fish-E-al

That's right folks, it's official, we are MOVING back to Utah. Not so excited about Utah but we are very excited to be with family and our great friends again. However, that means we have to leave awesome friends here in New York which we hate doing. Thankfully many have ties to Utah so we hope we can see you when you visit Utah. We have been so lucky with great friends here and great friends for Tea and babysitters for Tea too. We sure will miss it.

I start work on the 17th and Greg will chill here until our place sells.


mead family said...

WAHOO! I am so happy:) Too bad I moved away though:( Oh well we will only be 4 hours apart. Good luck with everything. I wish I could come out and help you pack.

the watkins said...

I'm sure it will be sad to leave. Hopefully your home sells soon so you can all be together! We are so excited to have you back. We will have to get together soon!

The Gould Family said...

wow!!! congratulations! awesome that you've got a job already! where will you be working?

Amanda said...

Wow--that sounds like being near family again will be a great thing. I hope all goes well with your move!

Phelps Family said...

Yay! Glad it all worked out! I hope your home sells quickly so you won't have to be separated for too long! We definitely need to get together when I'm in SLC next month. When will you be moving back with Tea?

Amber said...

Well I'm glad that you're moving back cause it will be easier to see you guys. Congrats on the new job and I hope the house sells soon.

Melanie said...

Yay! I'll see you while we're out there. I hope the home sells soon. And I hope the move goes smoothly. Can't wait to see you!

The Andrew Family said...

WHAT?? Clearly all the previous commenters are from Utah. Speaking for us New Yorkers, you've got to be kidding! When did this happen? This is what happens when I get behind on blogs. We are so sad to see you leave. You'll have to stay up-to-date on your photos of Tea! We'll miss you!

Brandis said...

WHAT????? NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! You've gone back to the dark side!!! ;) I guess we'll see you there! I'm sad, though, we were literally just planning a little weekend getaway to NY!!!

Kerri said...

That means you will be in UT when I am there in Oct!!!!!!