Monday, July 28, 2008

The day Tea almost died.

Well "almost" wasn't as close as it may sound, but it could've been bad. So here's the story. We went swimming at our friends house and Tea was sitting on the edge of the pool (note: not this pool, a real pool). She is deathly afraid of the water so I don't ever worry about her jumping in. I told her to stay where she was so I could get out. While I was swimming to the stairs I hear my friend yelling that Tea had fallen in. I swam back as fast as I could which seemed like forever and as I am swimming I see my friend, holding her daughter no less, jump in the water and grab Tea. We have no clue how long she was there, I'm guessing seconds or fractions of a second, but she made no splash or anything. My guess is she tried to reach for a toy that had fallen in and she fell in by doing so. She didn't cough up any water so I don't think she swallowed much. She was kidding. Thank goodness my friend was right there to grab her and thank goodness nothing bad happened to Tea. So, lesson learned, Tea will never be near water without a life jacket. How horrible do I feel?


4Girls4Me said...

That is so scary!! I'm so glad it turned out fine. Thank goodness for wonderful friends!

mead family said...

Oh my goodness! That is so scary. I'm so glad she is okay. Hopefully Dad doesn't read this or he'll be threatening a call to DCFS:) Poor Tea. Actually poor you too!! That's gotta give you a heart attack.

Jessica said...

OH don't worry, Dad has already threatened. Typical.