Desperate Times
Teä was such an easygoing infant and toddler, but the terrible twos have hit us like a bag of hammers. I would like to think that other parents get as desperate as we do, case in point the duct tape around Teä's diaper. She has developed a nasty habit of ripping her diaper off while showing absolutely no sign of wanting to use the potty. During the day we can catch her and put it back on but during naps and at night she can greet us with a nice surprise afterwords. We don't think of it as abuse, we call it "innovative parenting".
hahahah! This is greatest idea ever... and duct tape REALLY can be used to fix anything :)
We did the same thing to Kallie when she was Tea's age! In fact, we would put Kallie in footie pajamas, (it was winter), and safety pin the top so she couldn't get to her diaper. THEN she figured out how to undo the diaper without taking off her jammies. That's when the tape came out. I know how frustrating that stage is. The good news is that it does get better...eventually. :)
P.S. I need your home e-mail address. I've been meaning to ask for it since you quit working and just kept forgetting. Will you send it to me? sympatichna{at}hotmail{dot}com.
That is so hilarious!! I need to keep that in mind. Halle has already started pulling her diaper off. Right now it's only if she just wears a t-shirt to bed with no shorts. But I have a feeling it will get worse. I love your "innovative parenting" style! Very creative:)
That is funny! I don't see anything abusive about it, she seems to like it too!
Brilliant! The best parenting comes from desperation!
Okay, another reason cloth diapers were good...less diaper rash, diaper pens the size of Rhode Island, and plastic pants to hold in anything that might creep out during nap/bedtime! HA! And you girls just think it must have been so awful. It only was a problem when there was only one bathroom and I forgot to take a diaper OUT of the toilet.
Yes, Seth and I know all about "innovative parenting". . . but I think your example is one of the best I've seen in a while.
I wonder if it would be "innovative parenting" if I used duct tape on Eli's mouth when he's talking back?
LOVE IT!!! HAHAHAHA!! At least you know she's uber smart!
That's great! I love it!
LOL! That cracks me up!!!! She is so cute Jess!
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