Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The joy of the quarter machine crap from Wal-Mart.

So where does the average three year old want to go for their birthday dinner, probably Chuck E. Cheese or something; where does Teadora want to go ....... Chili's. It is her favorite restaurant and she asks for it all the time. She had a great birthday and she appreciated all her presents, especially the dresses her grandma made her.

Here are some pictures from my graduation, I was excited Tea got to come, it was fun to hear a little voice from the back periodically scream "THAT'S MY DADDY". The picture at the top is of Professors Pipkin and Smith, they by far have helped me more than anyone else.


Phelps Family said...

I can't believe she's 3 already! She is getting so big and growing up way too fast! Congrats Greg and graduating!

Amber said...

I heard about her love for that purplicious book. Happy Birthday Tea!! We love you! and Congrats Greg! Good job working so hard for your degree.

Andrea said...

Is she really 3 already? Happy Birthday Tea!!

mead family said...

She is getting so big! She looks so grown up now! Congrats on graduating Greg!

the watkins said...

YAY Greg! And happy late b-day TEA!

Brandis said...

she is such a cutie!!! Hey you know that now that school's out we are looking for destinations to explore, you up for a visit?? :)

Elmer Family said...

She has gotten so big!! I love the red hair and super cute smile!