Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Exciting news

So anyone wanna hear some exciting news??!!! Perhaps it's only mostly exciting to me but indulge me......I interviewed last week and will again tomorrow for a stay-at-home job!!! Who woulda thought they really exist!! Well I know they did because my Mom and two sisters work for the same company but now it's my turn.....fingers crossed. This means I will actually get to stay home and for longer than the two months it lasted last time because I'll actually get paid. Amazing!!!

Oh and I promise Tea pictures are to come. I know you're all just DYING to see my little cutie patootie (aka spitfire, attitude, crazy girl)!!


Amanda said...

That is great news! And, yes, it's been a while since I've seen pics of Tea. I'll bet she's grown so much!

Phelps Family said...

That is wonderful news! I hope it all works out for you!! You definitely deserve it! Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

Jess - that is great. I will keep everything crossed for you. I know how much you want to work from home and how important it is to you. And yes, you better get those pics of little Teadora up!!! Miss and love ya!
Kelly Goergen

the watkins said...

Oh I hope it goes well. That would be sooo nice!

Speaking of "spitfire" I hear she is pretty entertaining to watch at church... but that might just be a rumor.

Diana said...

So, how did it go? Did you get the job? If you did, wahoo for you!! If you didn't, I'm so sorry; this economy sucks, and I hope things go well for you from here on out!!