Thursday, June 03, 2010

Here fishy fishy

We live next door to a fishing lake (there's a technical term for it but I forgot it) and so for Tea's birthday Greg got her an adorable fishing pole and got himself one too. He kindly let me stay home since I, well I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of the great outdoors. I hate worms, I hate fish (except to eat them), and I figured this would be a great adventure for daddy and daughter. I do like the beach and to swim but neither exist here. Maybe I'll buck up and go next time.

On to Tea. They had a great time, caught nothing but "gross stuff" in Tea's words and made it for almost an hour. All that matters was they had a great time together.

Tea has always been such a relaxer when it comes to water. Since she was little she'll just sit back and relax in her chair and take it all in. What a sweet girl!!


April said...

She is so cute! And I am happy to see you blogging some more, keep it up! How are you feeling? Do I get to see you in July???

Jessica said...

I'm trying April. I need to remove myself from Facebook some and come here more often. It's more personal :) I would love to see you in July. I know how hard it is to visit with everyone when you're on vacation so whatever works for you. I will come to you.

I'm doing pretty good. Thanks for asking :)

Bowers said...

so cute! i love all the pink.